Turkish Republic Ministry of Health Istanbul Public Health Directorate Child, Adolescent, Women's and Reproductive Health Services Unit (ÇEKÜSH) was established, on Thursday, November 30, 2017
with the participation of 200 family physicians in the in-service training as Endometriosis and Adenomyosis Association. We talked about "Endometriosis- Chronic Pelvic Pain- Dismenore". As an association, we emphasized that severe menstrual pain should not be considered as normal, that there may be endometriosis disease underneath, and that delaying the onset of the disease can be avoided by increasing the public awareness of the endometriosis disease. It was a very fruitful meeting with questions from primary physicians. Istanbul Public Health Directorate offered our thanks to the education officers. As an association, we will continue our efforts to raise awareness about endometriosis disease in the community.